Dr Rapaille has developed a technique of questioning that delves deep into the feelings we have about different topics. His clients are typically large brands looking for the essential message to use when developing products and marketing.
His work with Chrysler led him to the code word for cars in the USA to be IDENTITY (his caps). This led to the design of the PT Cruiser, one of the most successful new car launches. When the executives of Daimler, the new owners of Chrysler saw the car in production, they were appalled because the code for car in Germany is ENGINEERING. The PT Cruiser is not known for it’s engineering.
Code words are culture specific. The code for Canada for Canadians is TO KEEP. We are concerned with everything from keeping the heat in to keeping our culture intact. French code for France is IDEA. The American code for the States is DREAM. Our code seems pretty prosaic beside dreaming and valuing ideas.
What about money? The American culture code for money (commissioned by JP Morgan and Citibank) is PROOF. Money is mostly new in the States and is a way to keep score. There is a very strong connection between money and work. Good money is earned. If it’s not earned, it’s not real.
In other places in the world, if one were to make enough money, one would retire and enjoy it.
How much would you have to have to stop working?
There is definately a great deal to find out about this issue.
I really like all the points you’ve made.