Gary Morton and Frances Schagen talk about their favourite tips to grow themselves and get the important stuff done. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Big thanks to Joe Schagen for sound engineering and the original music.
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Author: Frances Schagen
How To Grow Yourself
This is paraphrased right out of my book Your Effortless Business. The whole premise of my book is that business isn’t this thing that needs to be set up in a certain MBA kind of way. It is a living, messy servant to you. The things you work on in your business need to serve […]
BOSC Podcast #2 – Vision
Gary Morton and Frances Schagen talk about vision. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Big Thank You to Joe Schagen for sound engineering and the original music.
Week 4 – Vision
Your vision is your ‘big-picture why’ of what you are doing. The bigger your vision, the more compelling and exciting it is. Compelling and exciting attracts more people. People want to work on a project that is bigger than they are, that helps more people, that is exciting. They will engage in what you are […]
BOSC Podcast #1 Values
Gary Morton and Frances Schagen talk about values in this, our first podcast. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Big Thank you to my son, Joe Schagen for doing the heavy lifting, all I had to do was talk.
Your Business, Your Values
Tony Hsieh of Zappos on values and why your values are important in your business. [youtube]
Discovering Your Values
Most of us have the values we all prize; and we have the values that are particular to us. Here is an exercise that will help you discover which values are important to you. This exercise will make you think and choose. You may get to a place where you don’t think you can make […]
Know Your Values to Build a Business
There are values that are held as a society, as a community, within our religions, our industries, our interest groups. We adhere to these values, usually without even thinking about them. If we don’t we risk ostracism. We also have personal values. Our values underpin all we do. When we find ourselves ‘stuck’ it’s often […]
How Big Do You Want to Go?
Making something bigger than you requires 2 elements: time and team. It takes time to build a big project. The decisions you make and the methods you use will be guided by the time frame you set. The way you go about it will be different if you are thinking in months or if you […]
One Secret to Thinking Bigger by Arianna...
I get my best ideas and solutions when I get plenty of sleep. [ted id=1044 width=560 height=315] Here we go on an epic journey together to making the best business and the best life we can. The business owners success club brings business owners together to help each other. Pass this along to other business […]