You have to know what your customers want to design the journey through your business. This is an oldie, but goodie! Gary Morton, Shaun Whynacht and I trade stories about businesses that do this well and some that don’t. Learn how to do this for your business. Get the 23 page SB/OS workbook when […]
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Tag: Customers
Lessons from Flowers on Attracting the B...
The whole reason for flowers to exist is to become fertilized so they can create seeds. Each flowering plant has specific strategies to attract the ideal bugs, bats or birds. They don’t try to attract just any old bug, bat or bird – only the ones that are perfect for them. We can learn everything […]
Finally, a Way to Think About a Small Bu...
The Lie We don’t have an operating system for small businesses. We have systems that help us operate to deliver our product/service, but not a system that operates our business. Every business has many moving parts that work best when they work together and we figure out an operating system as we go. Each of […]
Important members of your team
Mastermind I can’t stress enough how important your mastermind group is to your success. They will cheer you on and be your biggest advocate when you are flying high. They will brainstorm with you, advise you and open doors for you when you need a hand. They will hug you, pat you on the back […]
You know what it takes to make your cust...
In many ways our customers are like us. Like attracts like, right? Having said that, what we think our customers think is important, might not be what is really important to them. Even deeper, many people think they want what they are told they want so it might not even be what they want, it’s […]
Ecstatic Customers make your Business Be...
A Successful business is built around making customers ecstatic. Why ecstatic? Because ecstatic customers make your life easier. They engage with you, they help you help them. They pay well and gladly. Most importantly, they tell others. How do you define ecstatic? Start by thinking about times you felt ecstatic yourself? What was […]
Who Your Customers are NOT
Your customers are not people who cannot get to you Most people won’t drive very far for the services they want. The more unique and the more of an expert you are, which comes from focusing tightly, the farther they will be willing to travel to get to you. People won’t travel too far […]
BOSC Podcast #6 The Offering
Build your business from your strengths, clarify what your clients (tribe/fans/pals) need and decide how to help them. Then make the offer. Under lean startup principles, the offer is made before the solution is fully built. That way, you aren’t building something no one wants. You aren’t wasting resources on parts that don’t matter. More […]
Getting Out
I went to a business event this morning. I’m going to another one on Wednesday and I’m holding one in my office on Thursday. I don’t go to 3 events every week, but when there is a good event, I go. I don’t understand Business Owners who say they are too busy to go to […]
Instigating a Business
I have, what I think is a very cool idea for a new business I’m calling Repair-Share. I’ve put it out there and I’m talking about it to people. People are responding enthusiastically to the concept, but that is just the start. As I work on it and begin to develop the idea, I’m making […]