Here’s why my life is very different than it would have been without Seth Godin
Seth has done 2 big things for me. The first is to start Triiibes, giving like-minded people a forum to connect . Second, he inspires us with stories and by giving us a shared language to talk about what is happening in the world. We can talk about leading a tribe, fighting the resistance, beating the lizard brain, doing art and others join the discussion with stories and suggestions of their own because we already know what we are saying.
Almost 2 years ago, I got the email from Seth inviting us to preorder the book Tribes and get the chance to join the online community,Triiibes. I had a new credit card so I did it.
I had no way of knowing how many ways that little transaction would pay me back over time. Like many monumental changes, it started slowly. I started by mostly lurking, I mean observing, the Triiibes discussions. I felt they weren’t for me to add to, I didn’t have anything to say. There are much wittier and more informed people than me posting.
Drip by drip with small posts and comments, I gained confidence so that six months later when I got an email announcing TEDGlobal would take place in Oxford England, I knew I had to go.
Becky Blanton and many others on Triiibes talked about going. I didn’t post my intention of going, but I sure felt it. I felt I could belong in a place like TED because of Triiibes and because I believed what Seth says in his books. Any one can do what needs to be done, they just have to actually get off their duff and do it!
So I did it. I went to TEDGlobal 2009 and I met up with Becky. That was the first time I met someone in real life that I had met on the internet first. Guess what? People on the internet are real people.
TEDGlobal 2009 was life changing, and mind blowing for me. I still break into a grin every time I think about it. I wouldn’t have taken the steps to make that trip happen without Seth.
So when the triiibe began talking about a NY meetup AND a chance to meet Seth this January, I knew I had to go. Meeting Seth and other Triiibesters was the best way to start this year.
I was a happy, successful small business person living in my little part of the world until Seth reached out and challenged me to participate. Now I regularly converse with people all over the world through Triiibes. Seth, Triiibes and TEDGlobal have changed the world for me. I see that this world and this time is an exciting place to be full of amazing people and interesting opportunities.
I see that because of Seth.
On July 10 Seth turns 50
Thank you, Seth and Happy Birthday.