I could talk about fulfilling your clients obvious needs by providing the products or services you offer. I could talk about going a little deeper and talk about how you can make your client’s life easier and help them fulfill the needs of people in their lives. That’s what I thought I was going to talk about. But I came across a blog post this morning that made a bunch of things I’ve been thinking about all fall into place.
Here’s the post http://brandlikearockstar.blogspot.com/2011/01/age-of-honesty.html I’m digging his posts as he writes about the marketing lessons we can take from rock stars. This post is about Eminem and how he changed to fit the new environment of transparency and community. Steve quotes Roy Williams of Monday Morning Memos (I read these every Monday morning) talking about a 40 year cycle of self and civic focus.
People are interested in more than just getting their personal needs taken care of: witness the proliferation of businesses making cause offerings.
What people really need is to be respected, to feel validated, to feel a part of something bigger. They don’t want to buy your stuff, they want to join your movement. Simon Sinek does a great job of explaining how that works and he presents some examples in his TED talk.
Here is a worksheet to help you. Worksheet 1.1.3
Can you explain your ‘why’? Do you tell others? What is your why?