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Great Customers Means a Great Business –

Great Customers Means a Great Business – FAQs

What is the best way to increase revenue There are 3 ways to increase revenue:(1)sell more things, (2)more often, to (3)more customers. Two out of three of those are about your existing customers. Small Business Owners tend to jump straight to advertising when they want to make more money, but that is the expensive route. […]

Ecstatic Customers make your Business Be...

Ecstatic Customers make your Business Better

A Successful business is built around making customers ecstatic.   Why ecstatic? Because ecstatic customers make your life easier. They engage with you, they help you help them. They pay well and gladly. Most importantly, they tell others.   How do you define ecstatic? Start by thinking about times you felt ecstatic yourself? What was […]