There are 4 acknowledged pillars of business: marketing, production, human resources and finance. The theory is, if you can master each of them separately, you will have a successful business. Let’s look at this a different way. What if they are inter-related and the goal isn’t to master each separately, but to master the relationships […]
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Category: More Profit
Why do 80% of Businesses Fail?
The statistics tell us that 80% of businesses fail in the first 5 years. The reasons cited include: lack of basic business skills not enough good advice cash flow problems lack of sales losing focus pricing poorly not seeking help underestimating the competition and the market undervalueing promotion Usually the reasons are directly related to […]
Productive and Super Productive Time
Productive time is spent building your business, marketing and working on billable tasks. Super productive time is spent creating systems that will bring you money and do your marketing without you having to be there. For instance you can bake pies for your shop, or you can hire and train others to do […]
What Perks can you offer your best clients? How can you make them feel very special? October’s Trend briefing on explains the concept of giving your best clients something special. Airlines and hotels have been doing it for years. It’s not about elitism, rather it’s creating incentives to make all your clients want to […]
Before you buy your next ad
From Seth Godin: Before you buy your next ad, my suggestion is that you spend 1 minute watching this ad
Accounts Receivable
Getting work is the goal of every business, but even more important is getting paid for that work. There’s been much talk lately about how the economy is taking a downturn. This seems to cause many people to try and hold onto their money for longer, meaning they are paying their bills more slowly. Not […]
What if Small Business Were Fun and Easy
I’ve been thinking, and that’s always a dangerous thing. If we’ve been doing small business for a million years since the first people traded fish for rabbits or salt for apples; and there are a billion small businesses on the planet right now; why do we all feel alone and overhelmed? Why do we feel […]
Making More Money
The first step in making more money is believing that you can. T.Harv Ecker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind says,”Give me 5 minutes and I can predict YOUR financial future for the rest of your life!” How? By identifying your personal money and success blueprint! Have a listen to what he says here: […]