This is a work in progress. The SB/OS concept is still very new. As I develop the idea I will add resources here. Continue to check back, or better yet, join the newsletter.

I wrote the book, Your Effortless Business after seeing too many business owners struggling with how to perform marketing, operations, finance and HR, when they already knew all they needed. If this resonates with you, read my book. You’ll also find a tonne of resources here.

Let’s look at it this way:


Make your environment work for you.


Teams, Customer Engagement



Profitability, Business Models

It’s not about price, it’s about value. Pile on so much value, you can charge enough to provide that value.



The best businesses have a carefully crafted experience. It’s the difference between a restaurant that serves food and one that makes an occasion. You know what I mean. You walk into a place and you feel it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a restaurant, a lawyer’s office or a store. There’s something about the place that invokes a reaction within you. You want to be there, you trust that it will be good and the whole experience is special.



You are the most important element of your business.  You need to be nurtured, coaxed to grow, thanked, and supported even more than your business does.  Unless you are as strong, creative and excited as you can be, you won’t be able to give all you can to your business.

The Business Owners Success Club is the place for you.

Here, you will find that others are dealing with the same problems you are.  We all have the same fears and frustrations.  We all speak the same language and come from the same experiences. You are not alone.  You will find sympathy, support and a push or a hug – depending on what you need most.




Seth Godin’s ebook page

Work on yourself a little bit every day

Do something every day

Read books, blogs, magazines.

Talk to other business owners

Know where you are going

Delegate like crazy

Do it!