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Ecstatic Customers make your Business Be...

Ecstatic Customers make your Business Better

A Successful business is built around making customers ecstatic.   Why ecstatic? Because ecstatic customers make your life easier. They engage with you, they help you help them. They pay well and gladly. Most importantly, they tell others.   How do you define ecstatic? Start by thinking about times you felt ecstatic yourself? What was […]

Fear? No fear!

Fear? No fear!

Fear is a good thing. It keeps us from doing something stupid, like falling off a cliff, being eaten or being kicked out of the tribe – certain death if you are living tribally. But, these days with handrails, zoos and our choice of tribes, these things are not a threat to life and limb. […]

The Art of ASKing

The Art of ASKing

or How I learned to stop worrying and let people help by Amanda Palmer I knew I wanted to read this book because of her TED talk, plus all I heard about this book, and some of her interviews. And, of course, because of her husband, Neil Gamian; I have a fan crush on him. […]

Reading List January 2012

Reading List January 2012

100 Places to go before they Disappear. This is a book about all the wonderful places being affected by climate change through rising sea levels, retreating ice, changing growing seasons, and loss of groundwater. Creating a Forest Garden: working with nature to grow edible crops by Martin Crawford. I saw a movie about Permaculture at […]

Where is Your Data?

Where is Your Data?

My home computer crashed last week.  Yesterday, I was at a client’s place and their admin computer crashed.  (Not if, but when, right?) So far, I only seem to have lost one doc.  It was my reading list, a private doc, although I post it every month (except maybe this one), so it was the […]