When does the unconventional path many people follow become the conventional path? It happened again the other day. I was speaking with 2 business owners. One who had built a business to almost 100 people in 6 years. The other owner was following the conventional route to starting a business by writing his business plan, […]
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Tag: Customers
Feeling Overwhelmed Doesn’t Have to be Y
There is this myth in business that feeling overwhelmed is situation normal. The idea is that there is more to do than you can possibly do and that you have to wear many hats, even if they don’t fit well. The only reason it feels that way is because of the MBA model of business. […]
Your Favourite Business
You know the one. The one you look forward to visiting. The staff are happy to see you, you feel comfortable there. You know what to expect and you know you will get what you need – and more. You tell all your friends about this business. Your friends smile and nod. They know this […]
How to Figure out the Best Way Forward b...
“Something’s changed and I don’t like it.” Josie was clearly upset. “What’s up?” “I’ve been contacting my clients just like you said, but they haven’t been booking follow up appointments with me the way they used to. I don’t know what I am doing differently.” “I noticed you didn’t buy that tech you talked about […]
6 Stages of Starting Your Business
I resisted. For the longest time. Working with people starting a business. People in startup mode are overwhelmed and when my clients are overwhelmed, I get overwhelmed. When you are starting, you need so much. All at once. I didn’t think I had the ability to be effective and really help. Until I realized that […]
Designing Your Customer’s Journey
I keep getting the question, ”How do I design a customer journey?” Let me answer that question by using my Find Freedom in 2017 program as an example. How are people attracted? Small business owners are attracted to working with me, because they have met me, or someone who knows me tells them to […]
Stop Struggling: Get Great Customers
Why Great Customers are so important You’ve heard of the Pareto Principle. Applied here, we can say that 20% of your customers bring you 80% of your revenue. For that matter, 20% of your customers cost you 80% of your marketing and service budget. And they are rarely the same customers. What if you […]
The Three Common Myths that keep small b...
The business environment is changing and if you have been in business for more than 5 or 10 years, you, like everyone else, are making less profit for more effort. It’s been slow and insidious. Think about small business owners 20, 30 and 40 years ago. They built our communities, made a great living and […]
Great Customers Means a Great Business –
What is the best way to increase revenue There are 3 ways to increase revenue:(1)sell more things, (2)more often, to (3)more customers. Two out of three of those are about your existing customers. Small Business Owners tend to jump straight to advertising when they want to make more money, but that is the expensive route. […]
What if this were your life?
You wake up without an alarm. It’s still early and you feel refreshed. You get something to eat and drink, then do your favourite things for your physical and mental well-being. Maybe yoga, swimming, paddling, running, walking, dancing, weights, spinning, or playing a sport. Then you sit down to work because this is your most […]