What is the best way to increase revenue There are 3 ways to increase revenue:(1)sell more things, (2)more often, to (3)more customers. Two out of three of those are about your existing customers. Small Business Owners tend to jump straight to advertising when they want to make more money, but that is the expensive route. […]
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Tag: Expert
Strength in Teams
Strengths-based leadership is about building a team where everyone works from their strengths and everything gets done well. It’s so easy it feels like cheating. When it’s our turn, we breeze through the work we have to do while, of course, doing our best work because the pressure is on. Then we watch while others […]
What Does it Take to Make an Effortless ...
It comes down to 4 things: KNOWN You know where you are and where you are going. You know how to do what you want to do. You know when to ask for help and from whom. You know your why. Your Business Model is clear. You have policies and procedures in place that everyone […]
Doing What We Love
My strengths (according to Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath) are everything about looking at a situation, gathering necessary information, looking to the future, figuring out the highest and best use of available resources and plotting the next steps to get there. Futuristic Learner (I don’t just like learning, I crave it. It’s why I […]
Bookkeeping is Changing
Bookkeeping is changing – in a big way. I was hit with that reality squarely between the eyes in the past few week. If I hadn’t been thinking so deeply about business models and customer service, I might have mistaken the incidents as the challenges of business. Take it back to the basics and what […]
What Makes you Proud as a Peacock in You...
Peacock Pair Originally uploaded by mikecogh What do you do best? Look around at your business. What do you do best in your business; what are you most proud of? About what aspect of business do your friends ask you for advice? What could you write about or speak about on a moment’s notice? My […]
What Marketing Worked Best for You This ...
You did track your marketing didn’t you? How did most of your clients find you? How did your best clients find you? By far, my best marketing for my bookkeeping business is the Crystal Clear Lunch & Learn. It takes more effort than money, and well worth it. I partnered with Nova Scotia Community College […]
Tad’s Ten things to Take Your Marketing
I went to a workshop on Friday given by Tad Hargrave, Marketing for Hippies. It was marketing for Holistic Practitioners. These are often people who keep ‘meaning’ to handle their marketing but are a bit ‘allergic’ to notions of sales, marketing and self-promotion. They think it’s kind of gross. It was a great day […]
I had been watching TED videos over lunch for 6 months or so when I got an email about an extra TEDGlobal that was going to take place in July in Oxford, England. This was going to be the 2nd TEDGlobal in Oxford in 5 years and it was going to become an annual event. […]
Year in Review
I like to pause at this time to look over the past year and into the coming year.As you look back over your year, ask your self these questions: What surprised me most in my business?How my business boomed this year. Usually, when people mention the recession word, business owners look for ways to slash […]