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Strength in Teams

Strength in Teams

Strengths-based leadership is about building a team where everyone works from their strengths and everything gets done well. It’s so easy it feels like cheating. When it’s our turn, we breeze through the work we have to do while, of course, doing our best work because the pressure is on. Then we watch while others […]

To Everything There is a Time

To Everything There is a Time

To everything there is a season. [youtube] We gather information, processes it/think it through, and act on it. GATHER During gather time, I read, listen to interviews, watch videos and movies and talk to everyone I meet.  This is a rich, productive discussion and sharing time.  I share what I find and my initial […]

Writing Tips

Writing Tips

Writing is not my forte, so I will point you to some great writing resources. has a comprehensive list of the steps to writing well. I look at the list and think really?  All that? But I also know that writing takes effort and great writing takes even more effort, so really.  All that. […]



Chris Guillebeau asks “Why do we do the things we do? What’s the point? What are we working towards?” Simon Sinek has a great TED talk about how nailing the ‘Why ‘ of your business will help you be more successful. [ted id=848] This is where you drill down to your passion, where you choose […]

What Matters Now

What Matters Now

Seth Godin, thought-leader extrordinaire, has asked more than 70 of today’s top thinkers to write a page each about what they are thinking about/planning for the coming year/want to share. He has compiled it into a pdf that he is encouraging all to share. Here’s what I’m thinking about/planning for the coming year/want to share. […]