PROFIT is our MOTIVE Originally uploaded by pheezy Which of your lines or products or services made you the most money this past year? This is important information to know. One of my clients has a retail shop. She did an analysis of her gross margin on the different lines she carries, and found […]
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Tag: prosperity
Tad’s Ten things to Take Your Marketing
I went to a workshop on Friday given by Tad Hargrave, Marketing for Hippies. It was marketing for Holistic Practitioners. These are often people who keep ‘meaning’ to handle their marketing but are a bit ‘allergic’ to notions of sales, marketing and self-promotion. They think it’s kind of gross. It was a great day […]
health creative Originally uploaded by Derek Johnson | Health So I contracted pneumonia. The reality is that I wasn’t perfect one day then sick the next. I was worn out in early October, then got a cold that developed into a cough. I slowed down a little, hoping to shake it. I had […]
5 Ways to Make Your Life More Prosperous
Pile Of Fun Originally uploaded by pocketwiley Understand that prosperity is about lifestyle not money. See the picture. Making a change starts in your head. Inform the ‘Rider’; engage the ‘Elephant’; make the Path easy. See here. Know where you are; where you want to go and have a plan to get you from here […]
Chris Guillebeau asks “Why do we do the things we do? What’s the point? What are we working towards?” Simon Sinek has a great TED talk about how nailing the ‘Why ‘ of your business will help you be more successful. [ted id=848] This is where you drill down to your passion, where you choose […]
Cash Flow as Sleep Aid
Sleep Like A Baby Originally uploaded by peasap A good cash flow tool will help you sleep at night. More than anything, it’s money worries that wake up small business owners in the middle of the night. Following your passion, rather than taking a job means that your cash flow may be erratic. It’s better […]
Profit or Prosperity?
Pond on the Water Meadows – Winchester Originally uploaded by neilalderney123 When people say to follow your passion and the money will follow, what exactly do they mean? I have friends who are passionate about their painting and living an organic lifestyle. They may not have much money, but they have a better life than […]
live with passion. Originally uploaded by It’s Holly For instance, I am passionate about helping people make their small businesses work for them, not the other way around. I do that by providing bookkeeping services and therefore good data. This is my paid gig. I also organize events, write in this blog and read voraciously. […]
Passion, Profit and Prosperity
If you follow your passion the money will follow. In some cases this is true, but in others it isn’t. What makes the difference? People who are passionate about what they do and make a profit; put effort into making their passionate pursuit profitable. It doesn’t mean they put less effort into their passion, merely […]