In many ways our customers are like us. Like attracts like, right? Having said that, what we think our customers think is important, might not be what is really important to them. Even deeper, many people think they want what they are told they want so it might not even be what they want, it’s […]
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Tag: think
One Secret to Thinking Bigger by Arianna...
I get my best ideas and solutions when I get plenty of sleep. [ted id=1044 width=560 height=315] Here we go on an epic journey together to making the best business and the best life we can. The business owners success club brings business owners together to help each other. Pass this along to other business […]
That Inner Voice is Real
This is wild… Gero Mesenboeck and his team have identified the neurons in the brain that are the inner voice. They have manipulated them to change the behaviour of flies. How does that change the way you think about self-talk? [ted id=1000 width=560 height=315] Here we go on an epic journey together to making the […]
Who is the Boss of You?
There are two reasons why everything starts with you. 1. Everything is perceived by you and seen through your lens. 2. Your situation is the sum total of all the decisions and actions you have taken to this point. By everything I mean your life, business, relationships, situation etc. I don’t believe that there is […]
You Can Create An Exceptional Life by Lo...
How many times do you hear (or do you say) “I just can’t get ahead?” How can you set yourself up for winning if that is the loop playing in your mind? How can you believe in yourself enough to put in place the kind of changes that will bring you prosperity if all you […]
How I did with the 100 Day Project
I started my 100 day project on September 14 so it would end on December 20. Here’s the original post. My objective was to focus on my businesses; to figure out where they can go and to set it up so they will. I outlined 3 business ideas: Crystal Clear Bookkeeping Ltd, this Business Owners […]
Favourite Customers
Our favourite business Owners are the ones that engage in their financials as a way to understand their business better. They use them to make decisions about what’s working what isn’t and where improvements can be made. Our favourite Business Owners stop and chat with us about how they are doing, about what their plans […]
100 Day Project
There are 100 days between today, 14 September and 20 December (the day I typically stop for the holidays (I am a mother of 4)). If I don’t do things differently, nothing will change and I want things to step up a notch here. Starting today I am doing one thing to move each of […]
To Everything There is a Time
To everything there is a season. [youtube] We gather information, processes it/think it through, and act on it. GATHER During gather time, I read, listen to interviews, watch videos and movies and talk to everyone I meet. This is a rich, productive discussion and sharing time. I share what I find and my initial […]
Conversations in the Social Media Age
Conversation at Caffe Nero Originally uploaded by ktylerconk I am so excited to be alive at this time of the world. It is a time of immense change and opportunity. One of the main drivers of that is social media. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Link’d in, texting and Skype make it easy to have […]