
Being in business is fun, lucrative, scary, difficult, impactful, frustrating, glorious, and educational all at once. It’s not an easy road, but it is one that will stretch you and make you a better person. It is the road to a life well lived.

The hardest part about being in business is

figuring out the next best step


There is no shortage of information, tactics and people telling you what to do. As Derek Sivers says,”If all we needed was information, we would all be millionaires with perfect abs.”

You don’t need more information, you don’t need another tactic, you don’t need another 101 class in social media/branding/bookkeeping/motivation/productivity. You need to know what the best use of your time is; what to do next to give you the best results.

Things have changed in business. In how we deliver, in how we reach our customers and in the expectations our customers have of us. So why hasn’t the way we do business changed? Why are we still trying to follow the MBA model? Why is there a 50-90% failure rate (depends who you talk to) and yet the way we ‘help’ small business owners remains the same.

There has been no innovation in what we teach small business owners in the past decades.

The only innovation has been in delivery, but not content. We still tell small business owners to start with a business plan (dangerous advice for too many reasons to go into here). We still tell small business owners to come up with a marketing plan and branding before making their first sale (a complete waste of time until you have sales to tell you how to reach your best customers).

I’ve worked with 1000s of small business owners and I studied them to see what works and what doesn’t.

The most successful business owners ignore most of the advice we give them and the ones who struggle are the ones trying to get back to the basics of marketing, finance, operations and human resources.

There is a better way.

Would you like a free personal workbook and business plan?

I will prepare it for you based on where you are in your business, your immediate questions and concerns, and your industry/customer base/business model.

Your workbook will show you where you are and your next best steps for moving your business forward. Your workbook will come with the only business plan you need- done for you. Execute on it and you will build the best, most profitable business you can.


Where are you in your business journey?

You have an idea

It’s very likely a problem you have come across, either a problem you experience and you are looking for a better way to solve it, or it’s a problem others experience that is in your wheelhouse and you see a new way to fix it.

Click here if you are still working on who it’s for and/or how you will deliver it and/or what it will look like in the end.

You are in StartUp mode

You have made the decision to work on your business.  You are working towards getting your first customers and making them happy.

Click here if you are working on building out your business and getting your first customers

You are in Growth mode

You are up and running. You have customers, you know how to make them happy. Now you would like to scale.

Click here if you are working on increasing your customer base.

You are in Working ON Your Business mode

You know that your next move is to make it all work better. You are thinking about systems and you are trying out various ways of finding and implementing them.

Click here if you are working on making your business work better.